CloudBacko Go's Windows System Backup is used for a bare metal backup and recovery of servers, PCs, or notebooks running Microsoft Windows operating system. A Windows System Backup also include a backup of the System State.
In the event of critical hardware failure or complete hard disk failure. CloudBacko Go can use Windows System Backup image to completely recover to the state before it failed onto the existing or another machine with similar setup. It can even be used to recover individual files/folders.
- Secure, reliable and flexible solution for protection of servers, PCs, or notebooks
- Full system recovery and granular restore to meet recovery objectives
- Ensure business continuity/disaster recovery (BCDR)
CloudBacko Go the best choice for Windows System backup?
- Protects Windows desktop and Windows server versions
- CloudBacko Go's Microsoft Windows system backup leverages WBADMIN tool to generate the Windows System Backup image for seamless integration and data consistency
- Windows System Backup image contains the operating system, configuration settings, drivers, applications, and user data
- Just one single backup job provides different level of data recovery.

What are the benefits?
A single CloudBacko Go Windows System Backup image, is so versatile it gives you multi-level granular recovery options to an existing machine or another machine.
- Recover the full system (operating system)
- Recover volumes
- Recover applications and data
- Recover files and folders
- Recover Windows System State
How to perform a Windows System backup?
Please refer to the following instructions on How to create a MS Windows System Backup in a few simple steps