Product release: CloudBacko Pro, CloudBacko Lite, and CloudBacko Home v5.13 now available!
We are pleased to announce the official release of CloudBacko v5.13 which now supports:
- PostgreSQL 12 to 16;
- MySQL 9;
- MariaDB 11.5;
- mariadb-dump utility for MariaDB 11 or above;
- VMware vCenter 6.7 Update 3u;
- VMware Workstation Player 17.6;
- VMware Fusion 13.6;
- macOS 14.6 (Sonoma);
- Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS, Debian 11.11;
- RunDirect with Compression and Encryption for Hyper-V and VMware;
- Granular Restore with Compression and Encryption for Hyper-V and VMware;
- RunDirect from a Cloud Destination for Hyper-V and VMware, along with other tweaks and fixes.
Click here to view the full release notes.