Backblaze's objective is to achieve the highest level of uptime or service availability so customers can get easy access to cloud data stored on their platform, which is different to the highest level of data protection.
All your data stored on Backblaze cloud is at risk from:
- Data synchronization errors
- Human error
- Data corruption
- Disgruntled employees
- Malware, ransomware, and hackers
A CloudBacko Go backup of cloud data can help you secure, protect, and retain immediate access to all your critical business data on Backblaze whenever you need it.
Don't rely on Backblaze to protect your critical data
Although Backblaze has a recycle bin to store deleted files, they are usually kept for 30 days. For an additional fee you even extend that version history to one year or even forever! But what happens if the Backblaze service is not accessible? How do you get access to your critical data on their cloud?
Time to take full ownership and control of your cloud data
The loss of access or permanent loss of critical business data will mean for certain some business downtime, it also:
- Damages your business reputation
- Causes loss of customer goodwill
- May incur possible legal action
If your cloud data is protected by CloudBacko Go, with a secure backup to local storage you will have 100% control and data ownership, with immediate access to your data with unlimited retention periods.
Disaster is averted!
How does it work?
- Backup Backblaze files to different Backblaze account
- Backup Backblaze files to another cloud provider
- Backup Backblaze files to local storage
- Backup Backblaze files to an FTP/SFTP server